Joomla Custom Offline Page

While a Joomla website is offline it might be nice to customize the default offline page to include a company logo and custom message.



The file at 'templates/system/offline.php' contains the markup that will be displayed when a Joomla site is offline.

If there is a file named offline.php in your template folder it will override the default offline file at 'templates/system/offline.php'.



To your template folder:


Then customize the copied file.

The offline message can be changed in Site > Global Configuration.

Custom Offline Image

Near the top of offline.php there is this code:

<img src="/images/joomla_logo_black.jpg" alt="Joomla! Logo" align="middle" />

This could be edited to something like:
(in this example the image is stored in the images folder inside the template folder)

<img src="/templates/template-name/images/your-image.jpg" alt="Your Alt Text" align="middle" />


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