Joomla 3 Tutorials
If you get the error "An appropriate representation of the requested resource /administrator/index.php" ....
If the Joomla Intro Text is not displayed in full Article view check the Article Manager Options setting .
Once your SSL certificate is installed Joomla 3 can be told to make use of it. Joomla 3 SSL (https://) for secure transactions can be setup globally or per Menu Item.
Joomla 3.2 introduces a new Content Versioning feature called Save History. You could think this as multiple revisions or multiple levels of Undo. It just needs to be enabled.
Question: How can I see the module names and positions in my Joomla 3 template? Answer: Follow the easy steps below ...
Question: How can I preview a Joomla Article before publishing it ? Best Canadian Web Host for Joomla Our Latest Joomla News |